
Saturday 4 October 2014

For Brides 3 Tips For Sending The Perfect Thank You Cards

Thank you cards are very important.
Surprise your guests with nicely hand
written messages after your wedding to
show your gratitude.

"Thank you" means much more than two words.
The significance behind putting pen to paper can
make or break how people view your wedding.
While the big day may be over, your duty is not
done. Trust me, people are waiting on that one
last final element.
So here are three tips to make sure you are doing
everything you can do to say "Thank You."
. Timing Is Everything: Most wedding etiquette
books will say you have one year to send out your
thank you cards. Nope, it's three months -- tops.
After all of the madness of wedding planning,
writing a thank you letter may be the last thing on
your mind, but it is still the first thing on
everyone else's. They gave up their time and
money to be a part of your day, and at the very
least expect a hand written letter in return. Most
guests also want confirmation that their gift or
card was received. Lots of things can go misplaced
or lost during the hustle and bustle of the night.
Knowing it was accounted for would ease their
minds. So be sure not only to say thank you, but
more importantly in a timely manner!
. Personalize and Plan Ahead: Remember
when we said people expect a hand written letter?
We stress the words hand written. Don't even dare
think of having generic ones printed. It's worse
than not sending one at all. Yes, personalizing
hundreds of thank you's takes tons of time, but
it's priority and you should plan ahead for it.
Order your thank you notes months before your
wedding even takes place, that way you are ready
to write them on the plane ride to the honeymoon.
. Vendors Deserve Gratitude Too: Yes, all of
your vendors may enjoy receiving a thank you
card from you, but you know what they would
enjoy more? It's very easy for people to log on
and post negative comments or complain about
certain companies, but positive reviews are just as
crucial. So if your planner, florist, or DJ went
above and beyond, be sure to show them some
social media love and thank those who made your
day possible! If you were pleased with them, you
should let other couples know they would be
pleased with them as well.
In the end, a simple thank you goes a long way, so
don't let neglecting them negate all of the fun
everyone had on your big day!
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless handheld from Glo Mobile.

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