
Wednesday 13 August 2014

Pretty Little Liars "A Dark Ali" Review: Flipping the Board

Picture it: Rosewood, 2014. A young girl with rosy
cheeks and a terrible wig wandered through the
woods with a plane ticket and some threats for a
young man with a swoop of hair that rivaled
her wig in terribleness. What a match they were.
They reminisced, they scowled, they left each
other with parting shots and a window sticker of
what I think was Teddy Roosevelt in a straw hat
playing the drums. That young man was Cyrus
Petrillo. And that young girl is about to have her
cord cut.
Quite the scenario that seems to be playing out as
if it ever could. After two years and four and a
half seasons of sliding the puzzle pieces around
and trying to deduce her way out of being bullied,
Spencer has come up with the brilliant plan of
telling the truth. Just stop lying and tell the truth.
Yeah, Shana is dead but that was because it was
out of self defense. They honestly didn't know
Alison was alive until that fateful night when
Pretty Little Liars tried to shill the heck out of the
doomed Ravenswood. And almost everything
those girls have done that was against the law has
been in service of avoiding the wrath of extortion
and bullying. I don't know if Tanner will see them
eye-to-eye on that last one but there are, indeed,
bigger fish to fry.
Telling the truth is something we've talked about
here before, how the girls can beat their bullies to
the punch and take away all A's ammo just by
coming clean about everything. "The truth shall
set you free" is the pithy way to say it. Although A
specifically told them it won't. But why would A
give the victims good advice? It seems so thought
out, reasoned, a moral to end this narrative. Stop
it with the subterfuge and the secrets and
everything else will work itself out. There's just
one problem and they put it in Aria's mouth: "The
truth doesn't amount to much when it comes from
a bunch of liars."
Ladies and gentlemen, the premise of Pretty Little
Let's unpack that a bit, shall we? Particularly in
light of what our gal Alison is up to.
Superficially, it means exactly what Aria said:
They are all renowned and suspicious secret-
keepers so who will trust their story? They may be
bringing evidence but none of it absolves them of
being involved from the beginning. Maybe they
just team up the Convincing One with the One
That's Hardest to Disappoint (Because of It's
About the Eyes) and win Tanner over with sheer
charisma. Let's say that was a possibility. For more info---»
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