
Saturday 23 August 2014

MTO WORLD EXCLUSIVE: Woman Claims That NFL Superstar Colin Kaepernick Is a DEADBEAT DAD . . . Reportedly Files CHILD SUPPORT PAPERS ON HIM!! (Legal Docs Inside)

NFL star Colin
Kaepernick is having some BABY
MAM DRAMA. Oh you aint know
he had a kid . . . we we ain't either.
But a Las Vegas woman claims
that he's her BABYS FATHER.
The woman reportedly hit Colin
with that PAPERWORK last
year . . . and according to one of
her GFs . . . she's looking for a
"lump sum" settlement from the
NFL superstar.
We're not gonna put up pics of
Colin's ALLEGED babys
mother . . . but she's a non-black
SMH at heaux these days . . . how
you gonna get a lump sum for
child support. You got a baby, you
ain't win the POWER BALL!!!
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