
Sunday 17 August 2014

FTW vs. WTF: The TV Week in Review (August 10–16)

It's been a pretty tough week for Hollywood,
hasn't it? Like, how could ABC Family cancel
Twisted, with its crazy-stupid storylines about
non-murdering children? That stuff was TV
gold! Anyway, you know what always cheers us
up at the end of a bad day? Booze. Lots and lots of
booze. But also TV! Lots and lots of TV (especially
if you're under 21—please remember to watch TV
responsibly). It doesn't matter whether it's good
TV or bad TV (lookin' at you, Under the
Dome!), because TV brings us all the joy in the
world, except for when it doesn't. So instead of
letting life get you down, why not check out all the
things we loved and hated on TV this week and
then share your own in the comment?
SPOILER ALERT: If you haven't finished
watching this week's new episodes (of
Suits, Wilfred, Chasing Life, etc.), we
suggest that you hold off on reading this
story until you do.
Wilfred poignantly calls it a series
We finally learned the truth about Ryan's
best friend —and as expected, it turned out he
was just a dog, and Ryan was, indeed, crazy.
Some fans will take umbrage with the too-
obvious/non-supernatural ending, but it was
satisfying in so many ways that we can't help but
call it a success. Wilfred as Ryan knew him was a
very special, err, "being," let's say—and in Ryan's
mind, their relationship was real—so it was
comforting to see him make progress while also
getting some answers. Also, if that scene in the
vet's office didn't make your heart hurt, you are
are monster; no ambiguity about that.
Chasing Life's mid-season finale leaves us
wanting more
Say what you will about TV's overuse
of cliffhangers, but they can be a powerful tool
when it comes to retaining viewership. And when
they leave Scott Michael Foster's life in the
balance (what did the voicemail say?!?!)— as was
the case in "Finding Chemo" (that title
deserves it's own FTW entry)—well, you'd better
believe we're already clamoring for the show to
So many Robin Williams tributes <3
Although we're tremendously sad about the
legendary comedian's death, the outpouring of
love and gratitude for what he accomplished while
he was alive has reminded us of all the light he
brought not just to our lives, but those of people
around the world. Whether it was Josh Charles'
touching tweet, or Jimmy Fallon sharing
Williams' appearance on the The Tonight Show
Starring Johnny Carson (above), or the story of
how he once bought Conan O'Brien a bike,
the many tributes, clips, and anecdotes all
offer glimpses of the man who taught us that
laughter is the best medicine, and we'll never
forget that.
Suits says goodbye to Louis Litt
In a move that we sincerely hope is only
temporary, Louis felt the full weight of his
sketchy deal with Forstman in "Gone."
Facing certain termination and disgrace despite
the valiant efforts of Harvey, Donna, and Mike to
save him from Jessica's wrath, Louis instead
resigned from his position with Pearson Specter in
one of the most emotionally compromising scenes
in the series and the strongest episode in the
House of Cue Cards is perfection
Jimmy Fallon continues to pwn the internet,
and knocked it out of the park this week with his
parody of Netflix's House of Cards. You'll never
guess who shows up on the subway platform to
recreate that key scene from the Season 2
OMG is the Benefactor a banshee?
Teen Wolf has promised to reveal who the
Benefactor is next week (!!!!!!!!), and in "Time of
Death," we learned that it might be a
banshee. Say what? We're a bit confused since
Meredith used the masculine "he" in
reference to, uh, him... and aren't banshees
female? It's not that we don't 100 percent believe
Jeff Davis would pull a trick like that, but with the
reveal that Lydia's grandma was (is?) a banshee,
we're a bit worried that Lydia's family might
somehow be involved.
The Liars on Pretty Little Liars have a good
idea, will certainly be punished for it
The entire premise of the show is that some
shadowy organization of disgruntled teens and
grudge-holding ex-teens knows all the dirt about
the Liars' secret secrets and is using said dirt to
extort, torture, and exact vigilante justice on
these privileged girls who get away with murder
(sometimes literally). So Spencer came up with
a brilliant idea: Just tell the truth. Tell the
truth, take your lumps, and try to demonstrate
that, at the heart of things, you were all
upstanding citizens drawn astray by the lure of a
master manipulator. It was a breath of fresh air to
hear the girls talk some sense, even if the
result will almost surely be thwarted either by A
coming for blood or Alison just being Alison. Or
Vivian Darkbloom... whoever it is that's scheming
behind the Liars' backs right now. The one who's
not needy and cry-y. But still—it was nice to see
them practice some actual logic.
Masters of Sex's version of the late 1950s
digs into racial politics
While we hope that Showtime's great period
drama keeps the focus on Bill Masters, Virginia
Johnson, and their complicated personal and
professional relationship, it was sure great to see
the series engage with some of the more relevant
issues of its time period. Bill and Virginia's work
at the black hospital and Libby's ongoing
mistreatment of the hired help have converged
into some fascinating stories about segregation
and racial politics, adding another layer of
intrigue to an already awesome story.
On the series premiere of Legends, Sean
Bean survives
TNT's new spy drama isn't especially great
in its own right, but anytime we can get through
an episode without the grisly death of a character
played by Sean Bean, it's a win.
Derrick is starting to get his due on Big
Typically, the best players on reality competition
shows are those who don't make the most noise or
create the most drama. Instead, they're the ones
working in relative secret, plotting out the course
of the game without anyone really realizing what
they're up to. Derrick has been that player on Big
Brother this summer, and CBS is finally picking
up on it and editing episodes accordingly. Nobody
has ever controlled the BB house like Derrick is
doing without causing a stink, and we hope he
survives long enough to be handsomely rewarded
for his work.
Ethan continues to be the only interesting
thing about Extant
We're now almost halfway through Extant's run,
and the mystery surrounding Molly and her (now-
missing) alien baby continues to be the equivalent
of downing an entire bottle of Ambien and
chasing it with whiskey. Ethan, however, is still
proving to be super cool. This week he had a bad
dream, even though he's not programmed to
Erich Blunt turned out to be behind
everything on Murder in the First... and a
monologuing sociopath, to boot
TNT's mystery drama ended on a disappointing
note, especially with the decision to wrap things
up with Tom Felton delivering a long-winded
speech to a naked Steven Weber. It was like he
was some sort of Bond villain—going on and
on about how he orchestrated everything—and it
was a remarkably boring way to conclude what
was ultimately a boring show. If only Mulligan
and English had given the Nyers case the same
attention they gave to the Strauss case; the
case would've been solved in Episode 4 and saved
us all some time.
We'll never have another friend like Robin
The world lost a legendary comedian and
actor on Monday. He was a true entertainer in
every sense of the word, and we're crushed by his
death (please: if you need help, seek it out!).
Robin Williams' legacy will live on in his
incredible resume, his stand-up specials, his
Oscar-winning performance in Good Will
Hunting, and most importantly, our hearts. We'll
stand on our desks for you forever, Robin.
Bill refuses the cure on True Blood
When Sookie brought Bill to Sarah Newlin to
drink of her antidote-laden blood, Bill flat-out
refused. What's up with that? On one hand, we
get it—he's tired of walking of this "living forever"
bullsh*t. But on the other hand, this is Vampire
Bill we're talking about! There are two more
episodes left in the series, dude. Stop playing.
(FTW for pushing the envelope with that
super hot dildo, though.)
Cable news drops the ball
While things were getting particularly hairy in
Ferguson, MO in the aftermath of the shooting of
Mike Brown, America's cable news networks—
MSNBC, CNN, and Fox News—took far too long to
cover the story with any real zeal. There's
something great/scary about following a major a
news event in real time on social media, but for
once, it'd be nice for TV outlets to be more ready
and willing with their coverage.
Bachelor in Paradise's ridiculous
Only on Bachelor in Paradise would a contestant
getting it on with a crew member end with that
crew member jumping off a balcony and breaking
both of his ankles... and then the show recreating
the moment, Unsolved Mysteries-style, in order
to air it on national television. That the dude's last
name is "Putz" is just icing on the (probably
herpes-laden) cake.
What's on YOUR list of TV loves and hates
this week? Rectify? The start of The
Strain's outbreak? Defiance? TV
Land's Candid Camera reboot? Share your
own FTWs and WTFs in the comments!
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