
Saturday 20 December 2014

Couples Only 13 things you should NEVER say during sex

Hey, those intense love hormones can make you
say some crazy stuff. So trust us when we tell
you to scratch these phrases from your bedroom

We've all gotten a little carried away in the heat
of the moment, but saying the wrong thing in
bed can bring even the best time to a screeching
Hey, those intense love hormones can make you
say some crazy stuff. So trust us when we tell
you to scratch these phrases from your bedroom
Consider these the worst things you could say
during sex. But come on, we didn't really need to
tell you, right?
1. "Is it in yet?" Did you just pinch me? Or,
wait… OK, so that's what we're working with.
Cool. We know men seriously stress about
their penis size — so this is a no brainer.
Even if you're thinking it… don't say it.
2. "Let's just get it over with." Hey, sometimes
a quickie is what you're really craving — plus,
you have a bootcamp class in an hour, and it
fills up so quickly. Your partner will
understand right? (No, no they won't.)
3. "High five!" Alright people, this isn't drunken
sex in a dorm room. This is adult sex. You
can do better.
4. "That's it?" I think you've watched Instagram
videos that were longer than that. Still,
muttering these words will not make them
rally for round two, we promise.
5. Any form of baby talk… ever. Nothing kills
the mood faster than the tone of voice
usually reserved for puppies and toddlers.
Just, don't.
6. "Can you grab my phone?" You know
humanity is addicted to their cell phones
when one in five people say they've used it
during sex. Do yourself — and your partner —
a favour, and let it go to voicemail.
7. "Are you done yet?" Talk about pressure!
You're having sex — not reading Game of
Thrones — you'll know when each person is
finished. So don't ask for an Estimated Time
of Arrival on an orgasm; it's just not good
8. "Ugh, I'll just do it myself" We get that
sometimes masturbation can be even better
than sex (talk about an easy O). But don't
throw in the towel if your partner isn't exactly
blowing you away. Communicate, show him
what feels good, and try not to utter this
9. "Oh, Gbenro Ajibade, yes!" Yep, you just
blurted out the name of your celebrity crush
(unless you actually are in bed with Gbenro…
in which case, good for you!). While there's
absolutely nothing wrong with a little visual
fantasy, keep Gbenro's name — and
washboard abs — in your head.
0. "Oh that reminds me, I'm out of tampons."
In the words of every sports coach: Get your
head in the game! You're having sex, after
all. Besides, the more you're able to cut out
distractions, the more likely you are to
1. "You want to do WHAT?" Sure, this might be
what you're thinking when your partner
suggests a particularly creative move they
saw in porn, but take a beat first. Of course,
you don't have to agree or even try
something if you're not into it, but shooting
down their fantasy right off the bat will
probably make them reluctant to open up
again. Try a simple "Hm, well, I'll think about
it" instead.
2. "My ex used to do it like this…" Talking
about exes while naked with your new partner
is pretty much always frowned upon. Besides,
they're your ex for a reason…
3. "I love you!" MAJOR Disclaimer: If you're in a
long-term monogamous relationship, you
should absolutely shout this one! But if this is
a casual hookup or someone you just started
dating last Tuesday, this is probably your
orgasm talking.

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