
Friday 15 August 2014

Don't Believe These 3 Big Lies About Fat

As one of the first doctors board-certified in anti-aging medicine and a certified fitness trainer, my patients often ask me how to lose fat, drop inches and get back the lean, strong body they had when they were younger. Over the years, I've noticed there are 3 big fat lies many believe that prevents shedding pounds and keeping it off.  Today, I want to smash those myths and expose those 3 lies once and for all.

FAT LIE #1: You Are Genetically Programmed to Get Fat

Many people believe that getting fat is a consequence of our own success, because we're programmed to overeat as a survival strategy. Now that we are able to eat as much as we want, they claim our predestined genes doom us to either get obese or starve. 


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This is simply not true! The cause of our modern epidemic of obesity cannot be genetic. It is rapidly changing and our genes do not change that fast.

The epidemic is caused by recent and rapid changes to our environment and food supply. This procedure helps the food companies to pile on the profits, but it also makes you pack on the pounds.

We turned control of "what we eat" to someone other than ourselves. Even though you still choose what food you eat, the modern food producers control your choices.  The food industry runs on extremely tight margins. Natural foods that do not take much processing have the lowest margins of all.

Unnatural foods that are processed and engineered can be patented and are much harder for the competition to copy. This is what they advertise heavily.  They make more money by changing your food and marketing it as "cholesterol-free", "all-natural", or "heart healthy".

Your body simply does not know what to do with these unnatural, overly-processed foods.  It does not break them down like your native foods and they often end up as fat on your belly and hips (rather than providing energy to keep you going).

The first step toward reversing the modern epic of obesity is to reverse the changes to your diet. The closer you can get to what your earlier ancestors ate, the leaner and stronger you will be.

FAT LIE #2: Counting Calories Is the Best Way to Lose Fat

Doctors and nutritionists want you to believe that counting calories is the best way to lose fat. I am sure you have heard:

"Calories In - Calories Out… that's all you need to worry about".
"If you consume more calories than you burn, the rest turns to fat".
"The best way to burn calories is with aerobic exercise".

None of this is true.  Your body is not a machine. It has its own intelligence. It decides how to use the calories you consume. There is no proof that excess calories automatically turn to fat.

If you want to lose fat and keep it off, forget about calories.

I know it sounds strange but it is true. You cannot achieve and maintain your ideal weight by starving yourself thin. When you try to force your body to lose weight, its natural reaction is to store more fat.

If you want to lose fat and slim down, you need to reset your body's fat-burning intelligence with a combination of diet and exercise. To make dropping a few pounds relatively easy and healthy, you must over-consume protein.  I specifically mean "you should eat more protein than your body will use".

This throws your metabolic switch. It tells your body "times are good". When times are good, you don't need the stored fat. It can now burn off the fat it is storing for leaner times.

FAT LIE #3: Eating Fat Makes You Fat

For 30 years, the American Heart Association, the modern food industry and the media have been telling you the secret to fat loss is a low-fat diet. This is a dangerous mistake.

For years, a handful of us in medicine have been telling you just the opposite. Dietary fat is not the problem. When you eat low-fat, you inevitably eat more carbohydrates and sacrifice the most important nutrient, which is protein.  This is the prescription for losing vital muscle and turning your body into flab.

Let me be clear… Eating a high-carb, low-fat diet not only makes you fat but puts you at risk for many other medical problems including diabetes, heart disease, and stroke.

The good news is that you can start eating the foods you like again. Bring on the steak and eggs!

High protein helps you burn fat, drop pounds, and achieve the lean, strong body you are genetically programmed for.

I have written other articles revealing natural secrets to fat loss.  Learn more about losing weight, as well as other invaluable ways to improve your health and prevent disease and chronic conditions without prescription drugs. 
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