
Saturday 16 August 2014

7 Reasons To Just Ask Her Out Already

You get nervous when you see her. You check whether she's attending on every invite. You think about her. A lot. Dude. Just ask her out already. Seriously. Here's why.

1. The worst she can say is no

As long as you're not a creep about it, she's not going to hold it against you for asking her out, even if she's not into it. Worst case scenario, she'll be flattered but still say no. You'll live. You'll get over it. It's not that big of a deal.

2. She doesn't want to ask you out

Sure, there are plenty of times a girl is fine with asking a guy to hang out, but — much like taking out the trash — she'd really rather you do it.

3. The confidence to ask her out is hot in and of itself

It may be true that she hasn't considered going out with you, but just by asking you exhibit confidence, which is an extremely attractive quality and could potentially lead her to see you in a different light.

4. Asking her out on a real date will set you apart

In a time when the most common way of meeting people is through an app or a website, a lot of single girls are getting hit up constantly with requests for booty calls from strangers with decent-looking profile pictures. Asking her out on a proper date puts you far ahead of that d-bag in a muscle tee with a tiger.

5. If it's not going to happen, you'll know and can move on

Figuring out that she's not into you may suck at first, but at least it gives you a good excuse to make your buddies buy you a shot. It also frees you up to find a new girl to pretend to like "The Bachelor" for.

6. You might realize you don't actually like her that much

It's easy to put somebody on a pedestal before you've gotten to know them well enough to figure out that they are a nightmare to eat with, or that they have an unhealthy obsession with three of their cats. Hang out with her and see if she's even all you've built her up to be.

7. How else will you get lucky?

It's not going to happen by sitting at home. No matter how many times you stare wistfully at that picture of her in a bikini.
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless handheld from Glo Mobile.

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