
Tuesday, 7 April 2015

Psycho Man stabs prostitute 44 times, then two others next to her bloodied body

A psychotic man has been arrested for stabbing a
prostitute to death and raping two others beside her
bloodied body.

A United Kingdom, Steven Mathieson, has pleaded guilty to
murdering a prostitute » after he stabbed 44 times before
raping two other prostitutes » in front of his dead victim,
reports Mirror.
The 38-year-old Mathieson, was arrested for the attack
and murder of Luciana Maurer last December before
sexually assaulting two other women who eventually
escaped the attacker by running from the house naked and
could now be sent to prison for the rest of his life.
The crimes occurred while Mathieson's girlfriend of 10
years was having a night out and his kids slept next door.
Luciana arrived at the home around 11 pm on December 4,
2014, and was dead within a matter of minutes. Mathieson
was high on cocaine at the time.
He then called two more prostitutes, who quickly
discovered what had happened.
Prosecutor Jane Farquharson told the court:
"Mathieson went into the bedroom first. He put on the light
and hung back at the door whilst the women walked in.
As soon as they entered the bedroom, they saw the
deceased, lying on her back on top of the double bed.
Mathieson held two knives while blocking the door,
preventing the women from leaving.
He told both to remove their clothing and to dance for him.
In fear of what he might do and, with the body of the
deceased lying on the bed in front of them, each did as they
were told.
Mathieson then raped the women, ages 22 and 26, before
bringing them to the downstairs area of the house.
He told them: 'I'm going to be many years in prison
because I killed that girl. I've done this to show my wife
The women were finally able to escape, running as
Mathieson chased after them. After giving up the chase,
Mathieson called police and reported what he had done.

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